Friday, September 24, 2010

Reflection - Prototype

1. What are the difficulties that you have encountered during the process?

I didn't really understand what was the question asking so I couldn't answer them properly.

2. How do you overcome the difficulties encountered?

I presented my team's findings so in a way i avoided the question.

3. What are the 2 key takeaways for this lesson?

A prototype is a working model and we can use virtual prototypes as an alternative to actual prototypes

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ergonomics (Product description and Idea Trigger)


Appearance - Is green and smelly. It has grooves in the inside.

Function - It has grooves on the inside which helps grip onto the bottle cap and thus it helps to open the bottle.

I have not seen anything like this before, and I guess this is a new design.

Design considerations

Size of bottle cap, size of user's hands, how the user will hold onto the item.

Improvement design

Ergonomics II

1. What is Ergonomics?

It is the study of a workplace to make the user feel safe and comfortable when he/she is using the workplace/item.

2. What are the 5 aspects of Ergonomics?

Safety, comfort, ease of use, productivity/performance, aesthetics.

3. For each aspects of Ergonomics, explain with an example of a product that is designed for the elderly, how the product meet that particular aspect of Ergonomics.

Safety - The hand-rail. It helps prevent the elderly from falling since they have something to hold onto.

Comfort - Beds in the hospital are usually comfortable, since there are elderly that would get injured and they would have to go to a hospital.

Ease of use - Some handphones have large number keys so the elderly would be able to see it clearly.

Productivity/Performance - Vacuums that can bend save the elderly the trouble of having to bend down when they need to vacuum.

Aesthetics - Signs should be large and the color contrast should be good and the first letter of the word be large (Like This), so they can read it easily.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ergonomics 1

Workplace where the guy in gray works: workplace 1, that where the guy in black works: workplace 2.

1. Workplace 1 looks like a workplace for an average person, since the items he uses for his workplace look like normal items. Workplace 2 looks like that of an innovative and maybe a rich person since the items that he uses look new and innovative, and some of the items might be expensive.

The chair in workplace 1 is a normal chair but the one in workplace 2 is innovative, since it can bend back. The computer in scenario 2 in workplace 1 is far away, but the problem is solved in workplace 2 where the computer screen can be adjusted, its height and distance from the user. The light in workplace 1 is bright, and cant be adjusted since it is warm, but that in workplace 2 is dim, and can be easily moved. The chair in workplace 1 cant be moved so much, so the person has not much space to move. But the chair in workplace 2, similar to that in scenario 1, can be bent backwards, even at the head. In scenario 5, workplace 1 the guy is trying to find suitable positions to use the laptop, in workplace 2 the guy does not have to bend his head to look at the laptop, and he also uses another keyboard besides the one on the mac. The last scenario. In workplace 1, his desk is crowded with stuff, some of which do not help him with his work. Workplace 2, his desk his almost empty, and the excess rail helps him to see the laptop screen nearer.

2. Workplace 2 is preferred, since it is simple, and is is something like minimalist design, it is almost blank, but some of the items used are innovative and look interesting. We have also seen them in use, and also when compared to a normal item, like the freedom chair and the normal chair.

3. Comfort, how much space is saved and/or used up and does this hinder the work of the user?

4. It helps determine the problems the user faces and it can lead to solutions to that problem.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Holiday work - Part 1: Understanding the ‘The Elderly Challenge’

1. Explain in your own words, the FOUR key recommendations of the report.

1.1 Housing for the elderly. Provide more housing options for the elderly which are elderly-friendly and meet their needs.

1.2 Accessibility for seniors. Transport systems and the built environment would be more accessible to the elderly in a way that they don't encounter so many problems.

1.3 Caring for seniors. Health care can be made cheaper, and the seniors also need to be cared and there could also be a caretaker to take care of the elderly so that they do not feel so alone.

1.4 Opportunities for seniors. The elderly would have more opportunities to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, and they could maintain healthy relationships.

2. State ONE way that the CAI report is recommending to make our public housing more elderly-friendly.

Grab bars could be installed in the bathroom so the elderly have something to hold on when they are in the toilet. Non-slip floor tiles can also be installed in the toilets so the chance of the elderly slipping in the bathroom is lessened.

3. State TWO ways on how we can ensure that the quality of elderly care here in Singapore is affordable.

3.1 We could help the help the elderly financially by giving them financial support.

3.2 We could also encourage the children of the elderly to live with them so they could take care of their parents.

4. After reading the CAI report, what do you are the THREE things that you can do, as an SST student, to help overcome these elderly challenges.

4.1 I can visit some elderly people and I could ask them what are some problems they are facing and think of some solutions.

4.2 I can help them when I see they need help.

4.3 I can be kind to the elderly.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Reflections for last 2 animation lessons

6 key takeaways:

1. I learned how to do a 6 frame animation.

2. I learned how animation so called 'started'.

3. I learned the 3 types of spinning 'things'.

4. I learned about stop-motion animation.

5. I learned how to make a stop-motion animation.

6. I learned how to use sam animation.

4 key concepts:

1. Animation works on the persistence of vision.

2. The fps for a TV (I think) is 24 fps.

3. By combining many frames together, something can be interpreted as a movie instead of a series of pictures.

4. The speed of the object varies as the gaps between the frames differ.

2 interesting things:

1. Animation can be very funny but can difficult to make or create.

2. I now know that some cameras that salesman say is the 'video' function can just be the fps at work.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Personal Reflection (NEWater visit)

3 takeaways:

1. Singapore has 5 mil. people living on it and it needs to meet with that demand for water.

2. Singapore has come up with the 4 national taps.

3. They are local catchment areas, imported water, NEWater and desalinated water.

2 key concepts:

1. Ultraviolet is very harmful.

2. In relation to the membrane, bacteria is the size of a HDB flat.

1 interesting thing.

1. I can use UV rays (if I have them) to kill people I hate (ie. Isaac and Pasakorn).

What are the things that I can do to help with water conservation in Singapore?

I can help save water (as if I don't) by taking a bath instead of a shower and so on.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Personal Reflection (8th Mar 2010)

I had 3 takeaways:

1. Some people ask to many questions. Some are relevant.

2. I learned how other groups come up with their solutions.

3. I learned how Reuven does his work.

The 2 concepts:

1. We should make designs that all people can understand clearly. It is important to design because later people will grow old and sick of it.

2. There should be a few designs so we can consolidate each and everyone of it.

The interesting thing:

1. I learned that I didn't open my Mac which was odd since ADMT requires the use of Macs.

Ummm... if you read what i typed then you actually bother to.....

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Photography of people

These are photos of the 103/104 malay class and 105/106 malay class.

In the photo above, Norul, Fatin, Nadiah and Nur Nadiah are having their lunch in the classroom.

In this photo 105 and 106 Mirza and Izzat are watching Mikael and Mohid play apps on facebook.

This is a photo of Izzat and Mohid looking at Mikael's Mac because he caught something rare on mousehunt or something like that.

This photo shows 106 Mirza showing 105 Mirza his Mac.

This shows Mikael and Mohid playing Wild Ones on facebook.

These set of photos show what happened in my Malay class the Friday after the phototaking.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


A type of photography os Black and White Photography. I have decided to mention only on because I got my info. from a book and it only mentioned Black and White Photography.

A camera bag, a camera instruction manual, extra batteries (rechargeable or non rechargeable) and memory cards, battery grips (for more battery life but is harder to carry), high-capacity batteries (if you need the extra power when you are taking many photos), solar panels (for recharging batteries when there are no electric outlets), card readers and portable CD burners (able to transfer images without using the camera), tripod(s), monopods, external flash, off-camera flash, flash brackets, ring lights(for very close up), sync cables (for off-camera flash) and slaves (small sensors that trigger a flash when another nearby flash goes of), infrared wireless tech (to take multiple flashes without sync cables all over the place), diffusers and bounce cards (soften flash) are needed in photography. Some of them are just add-ons.

Aperture is the size of the opening of the iris/diaphragm in the camera lens that determines the amount of light that is detected by the sensors. The f-stop number is the size of the opening over the diameter of the lens. Most f-stop numbers that cameras have are f1.2, f1.4, f1.8, f2, f2.8, f11, f16 and f22. In this odd sequence of numbers, the smaller the f-stop number, the larger the opening. Some larger lenses have f-stops that go down to f-64. In cameras, there is the Aperture Priority Mode which is like a semi-automatic mode in which you set the aperture and the camera selects the appropriate shutter speed.

Focus is making the photo sharper after zooming. The photo must be focused again if you are taking another photo at another distance. For photos that are roughly at the same distance away from you, focusing is not exactly needed but just focus to get a clear photo.

The shutter also determines the amount of light that that enters the camera. The shutter speed is the amount of time the camera is exposed to light. For long exposures, it is best if you use a tripod. Shutter Priority Mode is like Aperture Priority Mode in which you select the aperture and the camera selects the appropriate aperture.

ISO is how sensitive the sensor is to light. ISO 100 is used in bright light or daylight. ISO 400 is used in dark and shadowy places. Advanced cameras have ISOs up to 1600 and 3200. Increasing the ISO means the sensor is more sensitive to light but that also means that they are more sensitive to noise.

Light meters can only see brightness. When you point a light meter at a scene, it analyzes and averages the scene into a shade of medium gray. The gray tone seen by a light meter is not any shade of gray, it is a specific 18% gray. Cameras offer a choice of metering modes. Metering modes tell the camera to analyze the light in 3 different ways: Matrix, Center-Weighted and Spot. Matrix mode may be called Multisegment, Pattern, or Evaluative metering. Matrix metering pattern divides the image into sections and takes a separate reading for each. Center-Weighted metering pattern has been used for many years and is the first of the 3 metering methods. A Center-Weighted meter focuses 60-75% on the center circle. Spot is the opposite of Matrix. It measures the light in a very small area (about 2-10% of the screen).

There are different types of white. White balance is setting the correct shade of white in the camera. Color temp. is used describe the color of light and not the heat of light. Color temp. is measured in K, named after Lord William Thompson Kelvin, the 19th-century Scottish physicist who first developed the first absolute temperature scale. He theorized the relative intensity of red to blue light. Lower temps. describe light that is warm or redder in color (candles, standard lightbulbs, 1000K-2500K). Midrange temps. describe light that is white or neutral (typical daylight, electronic flash, 5000K-5500K). Higher temps. describe light that is cool or bluer in color (slightly and heavily overcast skies, 7000K-10000K).

Rules for taking portraits of people like a pro. A good photo lens is the 85-100mm (a lot of pros. use it. Don't ask me why). A problem is what aperture to use. The aperture that works best for portraits is the f11. Another problem is the background. It gets in the way of the portrait photographer's goal. Many portrait photographers would go for seamless or plain background. You can also use canvas or muslin backgrounds as a formal background. Another problem surfaces when taking outdoor photos. The solution is to keep the background as simple as possible. Now you can use another f-stop number like f2.8 or f4 to blur the background. Now, where to focus? To solve that problem, focus on the eyes. This will give you a nice level of sharpness throughout the entire face and the eyes will be tack sharp which is crucial in portraits. The best position to position the camera is at eye-level and place your tripod around 2-3m away from your subject. There is a rule that many pros. use that is to position your subject's eyes 1/3 from the top of the frame. You can also zoom into tour subject so the entire face fills the frame and try zooming into your subject until the top/bottom or sides of the head are out of the frame. In the afternoon, if you take a portrait, the light will cast hard, unflattering photos. We can solve this problem by taking photos in the shade where the light is softer and the shadows are less visible. If you are taking photos indoors and want to take a great photo, position your subject beside a window that does not get direct sunlight. The trick to getting great sunset photos is to aim the flash at the sky, hold down the shutter button down halfway, recompose your shot by aiming at the subject and press the shutter button. The subject can be seen by the flash but the background is still dark, so that's how you take a sunset photo like a pro. Finally, you can use a collapsible reflector to bounce or reflect light to the subject.

There are many techniques. One of which I like is the High-Speed photography because although it happens very fast, the image seems like it is slow-mo. It is used by using a sound sensor. Other techniques can be found at


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Difference between Perspective, Isometric, Oblique and Orthographic drawing
Perspective drawing is 3D and is from different angles.
Isometric drawing is easy to draw because it uses regular scale. It shows the drawing from an angle.
Oblique drawing shows it face on and is similar to isometric since it uses a regular scale. it is a way of showing depth.
Orthographic view shows 1 side. Orthographic drawing are views of an object.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Define Environment

From The Free Dictionary and Answers .com
The circumstances or conditions that surround one; surroundings.
2. The totality of circumstances surrounding an organism or group of organisms, especially:
a. The combination of external physical conditions that affect and influence the growth, development, and survival of organisms: "We shall never understand the natural environment until we see it as a living organism" (Paul Brooks).
b. The complex of social and cultural conditions affecting the nature of an individual or community.
The sum of all external factors, both biotic (living) and abiotic (nonliving), to which an organism is exposed to. Biotic factors include influences by members of the same and other species on the development and survival of the individual. Primary abiotic factors are light, temperature, water, atmospheric gases, and ionizing radiation, influencing the form and function of the individual.

In short, the surroundings in which we live in.

ADMT Lesson 1 - Personal Reflection

To me, ADMT means by using art and design to plan and draw something. We share it using media and technology.

I think the attitude for an ADMT student is to be creative, imaginative and innovative, but not always thinking about designing a particular item. He should also be willing to share his ideas with other people.

I hope to one day design and make something beneficial to the public by listening to the teacher carefully and apply what I have learned in class to whatever that has to be designed or drawn.

I think a world without ADMT means the world would be very dull, there is nothing creative in life and everything is the same.